Angol múlt idő teszt - present perfect igeidő

Angol igék múlt időben - egészítsd ki a hiányos mondatokat a megadott (rendhagyó) igével, present perfect igeidőben.

A tesztsor

1. The voters have . (speak)

2. She has me in the middle of the night. (ring)

3. Astronomers have a new planet. (find)

4. Some people have famous through TV shows. (become)

5. The news may have your dad by surprise. (catch)

6. Have you your letter to Santa Claus yet? (write)

7. The explorers have out of water. (run)

8. Share prices have for 6 days in a row. (fall)

9. What have I to deserve this? (do)

10. The client has his password. (forget)

11. Reading his book has me confidence. (give)

12. This time you've too far. (go)

13. Let me show you something you've never before. (see)

14. I have never a race car before. (drive)

15. Their new product has the industry. (shake)

16. Have you the latest news? (hear)

17. Many famous people have out his advice. (seek)

18. This bird has . (fly)

19. The average global temperature has rapidly. (rise)

20. Sorry, we've already the car. (sell)

21. Steve has already some Christmas presents. (buy)

22. Doug hasn't meat for 8 years. (eat)

23. Jack has the night at the police station. (spend)

24. Sadly, they have out the baby with the bathwater. (throw)

25. We have a lot of progress today. (make)
