Teszt - keresd a szinonimát

A mondatok után található négy szó közül válaszd ki azt, amelyiknek a szinonimája szerepel a mondatban. (Igéknél az igeidő nem számít.)

A tesztsor

1. I received this watch from my wife as a birthday gift.

2. A client phoned us and ordered ten containers.

3. The airline won't allow you to take more than a handbag aboard.

4. The trouble was, I couldn't remember her name.

5. Mike spent the whole day watching horrible TV shows.

6. This is a pretty expensive sport only wealthy people can afford.

7. The weather is likely to be chilly in the mountains.

8. I know the guy who wrote this book.

9. The constant noise was rather irritating.

10. The Sunday trip was very enjoyable.

11. It's hard to believe all the strange stories she's telling.

12. The rules were modified after some people complained.

13. That liar won't give you an honest answer.

14. It was an excellent performance.

15. I do my best to support my relatives financially.

16. Jack was lucky to take a photo of a deer.

17. The employees have not received a satisfactory wage rise.

18. Jason returned after a brief stay in hospital.

19. Nick is dreaming of becoming a professional aviator.

20. It's a fairly easy way of making money.
