Hol a hiba - különféle hibák három viccben

Találd meg a hibákat a szövegekben - mindegyikben 5 van. Amit hibásnak gondolsz, arra kattints rá és kiderül, ha valóban az.

1. vicc

Olyan hibákat keress, ahol a megfelelő szó helyett egy hasonló kiejtésű, de eltérő írásmódú szó szerepel.

One day a teacher was giving his class a lesson on the circulation of blood. To make the subject clearer, he said: "Now boys, look hear, if I stand on my head, the blood will run to my head. And I shall get read in the face."

The boys agreed.

"Now," continued the teacher, "what I want to no is this: how is it that when I stand on my feet, the blood doesn't run to my feat?"

The boys all sat still for a moment, then one little boy held up his hand and sad, "It is because your feet are not empty."

1. hear HELYESEN: here [hear = hall / here = ide]

2. read HELYESEN: red [read = olvas(ott) / red = vörös]

3. no HELYESEN: know [no = nem / know = tud]

4. feat HELYESEN: feet [feat = tett / feet = lábak, lábfejek]

5. sad HELYESEN: said [sad = szomorú / said = mondta]

2. vicc

A névelők helyes használatára és a cselekvés tárgyára figyelj.

Guy hears a knocking on his door. He opens it up, and no-one is there. He looks all around and he finally sees a little snail sitting on the doormat. He picks up and throws it across the street into a field.

Ten years go by, and one day he hears the knocking on his door. He opens it up and no-one is there.

He looks all around, and he finally sees a little snail sitting on a doormat.

The snail looks it up and says, "What the hell was that all about?"

1. Guy HELYESEN: A guy [nem személynév, kell a határozatlan névelő]

2. picks up HELYESEN: picks it up [meg kell adni a cselekvés tárgyát]

3. the knocking HELYESEN: a knocking [nem indokolt a határozott névelő]

4. on a doormat HELYESEN: on the doormat [egy konkrét lábtörlőről van szó]

5. looks it up HELYESEN: looks up [a csiga felnéz: nincs tárgya a a cselekvésnek]

3. vicc

A cselekvések, igeidők környékén keresd a hibákat.

A six year old comes cry to his mother because his little sister pulled his hair.

"Don't be angry," his mother says, "Your little sister isn't realize that pulling hair hurt."

A little while later, there's more crying, and the mother goes to investigating.

This time the sister is crying and her brother says, "Now she know."

1. cry HELYESEN: crying [comes crying = sírva jön]

2. isn't HELYESEN: doesn't [cselekvés tagadása]

3. hurt HELYESEN: hurts [egyesszám harmadik személyben -s kerül a végére]

4. investigating HELYESEN: investigate

5. know HELYESEN: knows [egyesszám harmadik személyben -s kerül a végére]
